Service Learning (Ujian Praktek)
Recount Text Name : Fanny Rahmawan No : 10 Class : XII IBB While cleaned the warehouse, my mom and I saw a lot of mineral water bottle trash. The bottle litter is plastic waste that is difficult to decompose. At first mom would burn it, but I forbid it because it could cause air pollution. Then I remember a post on Instagram that used bottles as hanging pots. I finally had the idea to made the same thing. I said it to mom and she said it was a good idea. We both started collecting the trash of the scattered plastic bottles. The first step we do is to washed the bottle, then we start cut some parts of the bottle at the top. After we cut it, I went to the backyard to picked up the ground while mom added wire as a hanging tool in the pot. After I finished taking the land, I went to the front yard to pick up vines that propagate on the front wall of the house....